Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Today and Gideon!

So, today was a nice hot day! I am treasuring these hot days since death to life is about to happen fir 6 straight months......I am talking about winter if you didn't catch that. I am in an adult Clogging group. Man does it kick my butt. I did clogging about 6 months when I was 8 and not clogged since. It is fun though and I hope to be in it awhile. i am tossing the idea of putting Gideon in clogging as well. I can hear the girls now....No, he's MY partner....No he's MYYYY partner! Like I posted before Kyle's brain is on hunting. So, his nephew Mike came over and we all went for a drive just out of town to look for deer and such. We saw at least 5 deer and 3 big moose. Looks like Kyle will have no problem getting a deer this year, but I really want an Elk.

So, I have lots of catch up to play as far as journal writing so I plan on posting something from the past at every post. I thought I would start with my little Blonde Bombshell Gideon.

  Gideon Deland Lainhart was born on June 16, 2004. He weighed 7lb 8oz. and it was at about 7:30PM. He was my only  C-section baby so far (hopefully my last) and when I first got to see him he was already smacking his lips ready to suck. He had so much hair...I told Kyle" Oh hunny, I am sorry he looks just like my dad". No offense Dad. He had sideburns and it was dark dark brown. His hair went stark Blonde with in 3 months and it looked like I tipped his hair Black with Blonde roots. As soon as I could cut it...I hacked off that brown hair. Hair ...Oh yes hair would describe him from 0-2 years of age and yes it was long (looked like a Beatle hair doo for awhile). He was amazing at getting around and started walking at 7 months....yes 7 MONTHS. Man was he a flirt and smile smile smile.  He was quite the artist at age 1 when I found his masterpiece drawn on the wall with POOP. Yuck! When we would put him in the corner for time out he would spread his legs and brace the wall like a criminal. (Hope that's not a sign) He called McDonalds...McDonups and had a Eagle eye for it. He would shout it out a mile before we could see it. Just think what our trip moving back from Florida to Vegas was like....about 100 McDonup's. When he was about 3 Blake came along and he was so happy to have a brother...then Blake developed stomach problems and could constantly cry....then his happiness turned into" Mom, will he ever be Quite". Gideon is indestructible boy at this age too. He climbs on everything, jumps off everything and is constantly some sort of Star Wars character. By age 4 I was sure I could read his personality well.....he is more mature, very sensitive to others feelings, very lovie and LOVE crafts. He is aaffected if I am disappointed in him (Blake could care less) and he is nice to EVERYONE. Oh and he and I shared a favorite time of day at this point....Nap time for his siblings. So, Kyle is big into Star Wars and so is Gideon, I just found it lame that Gideon could tell you EVERY Star Wars Character, their occupation and Home planet, but he could not do his ABC's completely or count to 20. We've fixed that of course. He started Kindergarten in Vegas with Mrs. Brigham as his teacher and loved his time away from his other sibling and his independence. Don't get me wrong he loves his siblings, but he also enjoys time to himself when he can create and not have to watch Buzz Lightyear. He plays with girls mainly, they just can't keep their hands off my cute boy. While he was 5 we were visiting LaVon in Utah and at the Treehouse Museum and he trips on the carpet...yes just the carpet and hits the edge of a table and yep our first stitches to the forehead just off the brow...He has a Harry Potter Scar. He did really well, especially since at this point in life he HATES shots. We are now in Idaho and he is in the First Grade at Ammon Elementary. He LOVES lunch time and riding the bus to school. He has the funnest laugh, huge smile is a great helper and loves cleaning the toilet LOL. We wouldn't be complete without him in our family.

                                              Mom and Gideon in Florida  9 months

                                Gideon the Stud age 1            
                   Age 1 With Adrianne            
    Disney Orlando with Mom at just 2 years
               Gideon in Oregon 2 1/2 years old                       

Gideon Age 3 with Blake a few months old and Dad
Jedi Gideon age 3
   Hulk Gideon and Hulk Luke....Age 4                
Frist Day at Kindergarden
Stitches 2009
Age 6

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